Friday, April 27, 2012

The Joy Of Pottering

Pottering is something old people do, isn't it? It's certainly something my Mum does around her garden on spring days anyway. It's not really something I've ever considered 'getting into'.

But something has happened to me since moving to Argyll.

The property we live on is dilapidated, and carries with it such a long list of things to mend and fix that we'll never complete all tasks set. This has led us to having the mindset of a pottering old retired couple.

Yet it's a world away from the life we're used to, and I'm surprised we've adapted at all.

The main difference is in not having an objective - you just sort of do whatever takes your fancy at any given moment, without care of getting the job completed. The joy comes when you do finish something you never really set out to do it in the first place.

Top 5 potters:

Washing the car:  
Use a bucket of water rather than a hose, not to conserve water, but to waste time. It makes you do a better job, and your toddler can help. Vacuum the inside out at the same time for a true home-style valet. 

Just crack open a tin of the nearest paint, grab a massive brush, and exercise those arms. Don't worry about masking anything off, if you paint the grass just cut it back. Tired old fences or garage doors will look shiny and new in no time, and with little effort.

Feeding the birds:
Either buy a feeder, or make one out if an empty loo roll, covered in peanut butter and bird seed. It makes you feel good that you're helping such tiny creatures, and brings further smiles when you see them scoffing your home made treats without complaint.

Watering the flowers: 
Simply fill up the watering can, and wander around sprinkling randomly. This also encourages the planting of seeds and bulbs, thus creating a spectacular festival of colour in your garden (according to the packet anyway).

Going for a walk:
Walking round the block is something teenagers do to cause mischief, and pensioners do to prevent their joints seizing up. But wandering aimlessly is a great way to get inspired. Use this important time to think about whats really important to you. 

Pottering. Give it a try. 

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