Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Town That Time Forgot

Yesterday, I awoke at 4.45am, showered, and grabbed the camera before heading for the town centre. The objective - a little photography project I've had in mind since arriving in Campbeltown. I wanted to capture it in its full grim glory. Why so early? To capture it before the streets became lined with cars.

Whilst I wandered the streets with my trusty Nikon D40x, I was very conscious that I looked to be planning an armed raid on the Clydesdale Bank, especially when a Strathclyde police van cruised past me with it's uniformed occupant giving me a long hard death stare. I also saw a cyclist, and an old man who I think had had one too many whiskies.

Everyone else slept in their beds as I stood in the middle of the road snapping the High Street before returning home for breakfast before 7am. Twinkle and Rhett were still snoring.

Incidentally, the hours of daylight up here in Argyll are amazing currently - it's light long before even the farmers are out of bed, and it stays bright until well past 11pm.

The full set of images I clicked can be seen on Flickr - here

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