Saturday, February 4, 2012

Final Approach

After the mammoth trip over from the UK, we finally reached Umbria. The sun was shining, and the surrounding landscape looked exactly like one of those travel posters advertising the best of Italy. Tall trees, the scattering of ancient farm buildings, and rows and rows of vineyards and olive tree plantations.

After a detour to a supermarket to grab some basic supplies, the sun set, and we set the GPS to point us in the right direction, and set off on our final leg - to the house.

After leaving Perugia, we travelled on country lanes that soon became single track laneways, and ultimately what are called 'white roads' - gravel trackways which limit progress to about 10 miles per hours because of the pot holes and rocks that pepper them. Of course, non of the above have street lights or paths, and are only wide enough for one vehicle.

And then, approaching a cluster of stone buildings, the GPS announced 'Arriving at destination on left'. We had arrived indeed. Using the headlights and torch, we tried to find the right house, first buzzing on some very expensive looking gates which ultimately turned out to be next door. We asked for Angelika, and were pointed back down the track. Then bumping into another neighbour in his car, asked the same question, and again were pointed further down the track. After another 93 point turn, a wheel spin in the dirt because of the very steep gradient and a burning smell from the clutch for what seemed like eternity, we finally found the entrance. Angelika was at the door of a massive building, and we hugged.

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